Makenna Bishop

Photo of Makenna Bishop
East Tennessee State University
Travel, Lifestyle, Books
  • Makenna is a member of The List News team.
  • She loves writing content that instantly hooks readers, and her style of writing gets to the point of the story with only facts, no fluff.
  • Her understanding of professional but approachable writing makes her an asset on any team.


Makenna has always loved to write. She gained experience writing for universities, regional governments, and local businesses. Whether she's on the road or in the newsroom, Makenna always presents the facts in a way that's easy to understand. Her top priority is gaining trust with readers.


While she does have a degree in journalism, much of Makenna's education comes from experience. She has written for everywhere from large marketing companies to small local businesses. No matter the project, she is dedicated to excellence.

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Enhanced by our trusted experts and writer knowledge, The List's editorial staff regularly assess our coverage to ensure that it is accurate, comprehensive and inclusive. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Makenna Bishop