Alex Ceneviva

Photo of Alex Ceneviva
New Haven, CT
Quinnipiac University, Rollins College
Celebrity Gossip, Yoga, Fashion Trends
  • Alex Ceneviva has covered the Oscars for Connecticut's ABC affiliate station on multiple occasions.
  • Her 250-hour Yoga teaching certification has given her a vast knowledge of self-care and wellness practices.
  • She has written thousands of news stories for Nexstar stations across the country and over 400 entertainment articles for Static Media, including one that moved celebrity chef Jacques Pépin to send her a personalized thank-you email for a story she had written about his late wife.


Alex joined Static Media in 2020, where she pitched, researched, and wrote hundreds of celebrity gossip and entertainment news and feature articles for Nicki Swift. She is now using her experience in writing about pop culture, along with her training in wellness practices and her lifelong passion for reading beauty/fashion magazines, in her role as a features writer for The List. She has worked as a professional writer for over a decade. She began her career in 2012 at WTNH News 8, located in New Haven, Connecticut, where she worked her way up to senior digital news producer. In this role, she wrote and edited various news stories covering everything from U.S. and local news to health pieces and entertainment stories. Her work has been cited or shared on dozens of affiliated local news sites as well as by CNN, People, New York Daily News, and Us Weekly. Alex also created digital content for the WTNH TV show "CT Style."


Alex has a bachelor's degree in critical media and culture studies from Rollins College and a master's in journalism from Quinnipiac University. Both degree programs sharpened her skills as a professional writer.

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Stories By Alex Ceneviva