Maxine Page

Photo of Maxine Page
Los Angeles, California
Celebrity News, Pop Culture, Entertainment Op-Eds
  • Maxine was a regular HLN, CNN, and E! TV on-air commentator talking specifically about crime, entertainment, pop culture, and the royal family.
  • She ran the websites RadarOnline and PopDust, significantly increasing site traffic by diversifying content. She also launched the LA office of MailOnLine (Daily Mail).
  • Maxine broke multiple exclusive and diverse stories during her reporting career, including Paris Hilton's homophobic rant caught on tape, Stephen Hawkins' swinger club visits, the first interview with Chandra Levy's parents, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie pregnant with a girl (Shiloh), the Bruce Beresford-Redman murder case and the Joran van der Sloot murder case.


Maxine worked as a writer, reporter, and journalist for US and UK-based print and online publications until eventually rising to editor-in-chief. Before moving to LA in 2000, she worked for the UK's largest indie-rock station, Virgin Radio, where she developed a lifelong passion for music. She is an avid traveler and has lived in six different countries, which has allowed her to gain insight and develop an understanding of other cultures, societies, and world affairs. She's an (almost) obsessive consumer of documentaries on all and any subjects, especially anything criminology or sociology-based, and she loves really bad reality, cooking, and British TV shows. Maxine knows an unhealthy amount of information and facts about the royal family, crime, Elon Musk and other tech bros, the Trumps, and politics in general.


Maxine has a B.A. (Hons) in criminology and sociology.

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Stories By Maxine Page